101 Profitable Digital Products You Can Sell Online In 2020

EBooks do not need an introduction in today's age. Bryan Harris used this approach to bring in $220,750 in just ten days He took a small portion of his email list of people that had already expressed some interest in his course. And I think it is true some books start out on Amazon and then can become bestsellers - I think that is the story of Shades of Grey.

11. Create a second free eBook that comes with the subscription to my newsletter. This article will tell you how to write your first profitable eBook in a legitimate way, so that your clients will be highly impressed with your skills. Ideally, this will start while your ebook is just a twinkle in your eye; maybe you have a blog on your chosen topic or you otherwise have authority, either online or off.

To take your eBook to the next level, hire a designer to create a customized cover and layout. Imagine writing the most incredible, useful and engaging ebook ever, only to have it downloaded once a month. So the next time you try again this kind of ebook selling, it will be far better than the first one.

While this sounds ideal, you should be aware that it does take time, planning and hard work to establish a lucrative online business selling ebooks. Even in Iceland (where they read more books per capita than any other citizenry in the world), ebooks are still rare…but growing.

Smashwords allows you to publish your eBook to a variety of sources, including the Smashwords store, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Scribd. You can then choose to sell your ebook directly on your blog or through platforms like Gumroad or Podia. Kitaboo is a cloud-based content platform to create-publish-distribute interactive mobile-ready ebooks.

Write about something you actually know about — which almost certainly means tying your ebook to your blog's core topic. On Amazon, the sweet spot is between $0.99 and $2.99. Everyone used to price their eBook at $0.99 but it's going away. First, you'll want to choose ebook design software that makes it easy for you to import the content you have or digital products create.

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